TJ O'Brien Investments
Please note this information may not be 100% complete or accurate or relate completely to the role you may be offered or how that role will evolve for you as you become better known to the employer. This information should be treated as a guide, and you should be prepared to ask for clarification or confirmation of all the important points. You are welcome to suggestions updates or corrections.
TJ O'Brien Investments
We are a large family owned farming business, operating irrigation and broad acre farms in the Narrabri and Walgett Shire’s in North West NSW. We grow cotton in the summer and wheat and chickpeas in the winter.
This role:
Typical duties The majority of work on our farm is for a Farm Machinery Operator. We look for skilled and experience farm machinery operators to operate modern tractors, headers, self propelled spray rigs and other farm machinery and equipment.
We are a large family owned farming business, operating irrigation and broad acre farms in the Narrabri and Walgett Shire’s in North West NSW. We grow cotton in the summer and wheat and chickpeas in the winter.
This role:
Typical duties The majority of work on our farm is for a Farm Machinery Operator. We look for skilled and experience farm machinery operators to operate modern tractors, headers, self propelled spray rigs and other farm machinery and equipment.